Carnavals 2017

The long-awaited four days of fun, water and music were finally here, Panama has just celebrated Carnavals of 2017 - when the entire country does nothing but has fun, dances, rejoices, visits friends and families, relaxes on the beach, i.e. celebrates life - which is pretty much what carnaval is all about. 

Queens of the carnival traditionally arranged their breathtaking costumes to show themselves to the public. Of course big part of it all is also culecos - which basically is disco and dancing on the open air during the day, when the entire towns turns into a party spaces. Once again for many Panamanians and tourists this became very memorable 4 days.

Just like in the past years, the two main cities to see and feel carnival is Las Tablas in the province of Los Santos and Chitre in Herrera. But if you happened to be in the capital, you may visit  Metro City, which traditionally happens in Cinta Costera of Panama City.

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