Panama has the lowest price for basic food basket in Latin America

Although many Panamanian believe that the price for basic food basket in their country is increasingly high, many experts in economy do not share such opinion.

A few days back an article published in BBC World British, made by the British research team Move Hub, investigated the price for basic food basket outside of the UK. The team developed a ranking of 122 countries based on the proportion of weekly income to expenses for a family of four.

To the surprise of many, the study finds that basic food in  Panama is valued at only 16.45% of the average wage.

Such ranking puts Panama on the 50th position worldwide, which puts the country on the map with great access to the basic food basket and the third in the Americas, surpassed only by Canada (9.07%) and the US (7.04%).

Such estimation destroys Panamanian perception of a hard life that they lead as Panama leads the list of Latin American countries with the lowest price for basic food basket in the entire continent: Uruguay (17.87%), Venezuela (18.05%), Chile (18.94 %), Argentina (19.21%), Mexico (19.32%), Cuba (20.83%), Brazil (24.90%), Colombia (28.8%), among others.

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